Swimming, scavenger-hunting, and silk-screening – Oh My!

No, I’m not describing an exotic trip to a luxury resort. I’m talking about Summer Reading at Russell Library. Wait! Don’t stop reading just because you’re not a kid. Summer Reading at Russell Library is for all ages. This year’s theme for Summer Reading is “Find Your Voice.”

Beginning June 1st, we have Summer Reading activities and prizes for everyone. Let’s start with teens and adults. Anyone over the age of twelve can sign up for our ReadSquared program either online or in person at our Borrowing desk. You do not need a library card to participate, and we do not limit by town residency. Each book you read earns you points towards entries in drawings for Downtown Middletown gift cards.

Summer Reading participants ages 12+ can earn raffle tickets for Downtown Middletown gift cards with ReadSquared and GeoMission.

You can also complete GeoMissions – a type of scavenger hunt. You will be hunting for our “Little Free Library” kiosks throughout Middletown. Every two weeks, all summer, the location of the Prize Box changes. Starting June 5th, check Russell Libary’s homepage or the Borrowing desk for directions. If you find the box, you get to keep a bead from the box and a book from the library. You can also use your find for points toward your next raffle ticket for the Middletown Downtown gift cards.

Russell’s Little Free Libraries house GeoMission prize boxes this summer.

Kids can also participate in GeoMissions as part of our kids’ Summer Reading. Each child who signs up for Summer Reading will be given a gameboard with a list of activities on the back. Whenever the child completes one of the activities, they color in one block on the game board. Reading just fifteen minutes also counts as an activity and a block! When the child has half the game board – or fifteen blocks – colored in, they get five raffle tickets for whichever of our Summer Reading prizes that they want.

Kids’ prizes include:
Diamond Painting kit
National Geographic Science Magic kit
Big Book of Seek & Find, Spot It! kit
Chameleon Bundle
Bubble Machine with extra bubbles
Dinosaur Legos and book kit
Dogs Legos and book kit
Dragons Love Tacos book set
Magic Tree House Graphic Novel set
Trapped in a Video Game complete series

If the child completes another 15 blocks on the game board, they get another five raffle tickets – and a book plate with their name to put in their favorite circulating book.

Besides reading, there are many activities that kids can use to complete their game boards. On the back of the board game, you will find a list that includes things like writing a poem, drawing a self-portrait, talking to a librarian, listening to a Wonderbook, cooking a recipe, completing a science experiment, and many more. Attending any Russell Library program also counts for one block, and this summer we have many programs planned. Check out All Aboard! A Musical Journey with Emmy and Mr. Pete, Shark Week Family Story Time, Storytime at the Farmers’ Market, and/or our end-of-summer pool party at the new Veterans’ Memorial Pool and Splash Pad. Russell Library Summer Reading participants can get free tickets to the pool party simply by registering on our Events’ calendar (again, no library card needed!).

The newly-updated Veterans’ Memorial Pool and Splash Pad will be the site of our End-of-Summer Pool Party. Photo courtesy Karen Nocera.

New this year: you can register for Kids’ Summer Reading online! Just fill out our registration form and include the name and age of each child. When you submit the form, you will receive the board game and activities list for the Kids’ Summer Reading program. You can print them out on your own, or ask for a copy when you next come in to Russell Library. Don’t worry, only the first name of your child will be included on our Find Your Voice wall. Be sure to bring them in to the library so they can see their name and feel like a star.

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