Wine and Words: Funky, Fizzy & Fun

Sip back and relax while we journey through tempestuous tales of wacky wines and nefarious novels. Now, not all the books discussed will be nefarious, nor all wine will be wacky, but they all will be tempting.

My name is Shannon B., a.k.a The Shan. I work in our IT department. I have a background in the wine industry, with a passion for great literature. My passions differ from my day-to-day work, but doesn’t that make life fun? I think so. The theme of this series is wine pairing with books, be it classic literature, memoirs, non-fiction, graphic novels, poetry, bestsellers, and the list goes on. Now, that being said, lets pour through the pages of a recent bestseller.

Step back, Hot Girl Summer, we are riding high on anxiety. This novel is hot off the press. The Guest is the first novel I have read by Emma Cline, recommended by a fellow coworker. We have now developed our own book club, in which we will be eating the wonders of trendy charcuterie and consuming copious amounts of wine. Trust me, Emma Cline’s unnerving novel is thrilling and the reader will need a glass or two.

Cline does a successful job playing coy with characters and unveiling a Truth that most readers cannot wrap their heads around. The main character is Alex, who is illusive at best. Alex has fled the City and is staying in the Hamptons with an older gentleman, Simon, to escape a reality that saunters in the wind. This older man dismisses Alex, sending her back to the City, but she never gets on the train. Instead, Alex weaves herself into the lives of people who inhabit the East End of the Hamptons, like an unwanted guest. Alex entwines herself as a transactional being as she waits for the bells of Labor Day to ring, which leads to destruction. Alex thinks that Simon will sweep her into his arms and lead her into the sunset. However, to get there, the reader is taken on a wild ride to find Truth.

Let’s be frank, Alex is a con artist. A compelling woman, she is young and flees from a destructive reality. As readers, we root for her but also question her presence and purpose. There is no reason for Alex’s actions, she is just who she is. There is no trauma to define her personality, but does every woman have to have trauma to explain her actions? I don’t think so. Emma Cline has created an unlikeable character who is oddly likeable.

Drum roll please: and the let the pairing begin! We need a natural wine. Now, what is a natural wine? People would say it’s organic. Some may know it to be orange. Others may say it’s unpredictable — which can explain Alex in a way, as she is organic but unpredictable. As readers, we are taken on this ride as she weaves herself into people’s lives and social situations: an organic being. Natural wine is a similar journey.

To specify even further, a pét nat would pair well with The Guest. What is a pét-nat? Short for pétillant naturel, pét nats are classified as natural wines, that are also sparkling. Wine makers bottle the wine before the initial fermentation has finished. It can have a hazy glow, characterized as funky, fizzy, and fun. The story of Alex is compelling, and so are these wines. She is a funky character who is also fizzy. With natural wines, you never know what you are going to get. The same can be said for Alex. You never know what she will do or who she will become. Bajta, a Slovenian producer in Kobal, makes a great pét-nat. Sipping this wine with Cline’s book in hand will take you on an adventure: one that pairs well with the closing of summer and preludes the coming of autumn. Cheers!

The Shan, Russell’s resident librarian-sommelier, recommends Majta’s pét nat to pair with The Guest by Emma Cline.

Wine Searcher is a great website to find where to purchase different wines. Click the hyperlink above! Cheers!

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